The Science of Selling a Home

Millicent Schandorf-Lartey
Millicent Schandorf-Lartey
Published on February 9, 2023

Believe it or not, there is a science to selling a home. Well, there is both a science and an art to selling a home. And if you are aiming to make the most money out of the sale then one needs to master both the art and the science of it. There are 3 components to selling a home: pricing, marketing and market conditions. All these three will affect how much money the house sells for.
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Of the three components, market conditions is the most important. It is a factor of the overall economy; inflation, interest rates, inventory levels, unemployment levels, world events etc. Any number of things can affect market conditions but basically it boils down to demand and supply. In a buyers’ market, there’s a higher supply of homes than there are buyers and prices generally fall. The reverse happens in a sellers’ market. A balanced market is when the market is in equilibrium and doesn’t favor a particular group. Neither you nor I have control over market conditions but we do have control over the pricing and marketing. When you sell with me, my strategy is to net you the most money possible in any market, be it a sellers’, buyers’ or balanced market.


Pricing a home also has a science and an art to it. My pricing strategy is what I call smart pricing – one that takes consideration of market conditions. Market conditions have the biggest effect on the value of a home and how much it can sell for. In a very strong sellers’ market, it is ok to price at the highest because you can still get a buyer. It is the exact opposite in a buyers’ market.

In a balanced market or buyer’s market, the best strategy is to start below market value. That is the way to attract the most buyers to your property and the more buyers you have looking at your property, the more money you can sell it for. When you list with me, I will suggest your home’s best listing price using my comparative market analysis tool, but ultimately you the seller determines the listing price; with my guidance.

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Marketing involves the presentation and promotion of the property. It entails how it shows in-person and online, and how it gets seen by all possible prospective buyers.

It involves the professional staging of your home in a manner that is most appealing to buyers. It also involves high-quality professional photography, videos, online marketing, open houses, postcards and much much more. When you list with me, I employ both old and new methods in my marketing strategy to put your property in front of all as many possible buyers as possible. I pull all the stops!! Staging is an important component of my marketing strategy. There is a reason why new construction home builders spend enormous amounts of money to stage their furnished models. Because it works!!

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