Meet Millicent

Millicent Schandorf-Lartey

Millicent Schandorf-Lartey


Millicent is passionate about integrity, excellence and the drive to give the best of herself in all her dealings with people. This is how she approaches her business. She is NOT the realtor who will say anything to you just to make a sale. She strives to use her professional knowledge and expertise to help YOU achieve YOUR goals.

Together with her love of learning, a passion for excellence and a strong desire to help people achieve their dreams, she exceeds the expectations of her customers every time. With that said, Millicent loves to learn and build on her knowledge. She has two master’s degrees from the University of South Florida, GO BULLS, a broker’s license, a number of NAR designations and attends trainings and coachings to improve herself.  She uses the knowledge she acquires, combined with a passionate drive and a strong work ethic to serve her customers, many of whom become personal friends.

She and husband Michael are very proud parents of three young adults, the oldest of whom just became a full grown adult with a master’s degree and a proper paying job! Yay! The other two are a senior and sophomore at the University of Florida.

Working out, eating healthy and gardening keep Millicent strong mentally and physically. She loves a good laugh with friends and letting lose at concerts of her favorite artists. She also loves to dance and plan on taking lessons in the future. In her dreams she’s a guitar playing, head shaking rock star!

It’s a long road from her native country of Ghana to Sarasota Florida where she’s lived now for many years.

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